Quick Take on Cake Mania

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Luscious Colors, Delicious Images, Stupid Routines and Busy Mouse Clicks - Cake Mania

I was bored. The advertising of Cake Mania was, and still is casting shadows everywhere on the web. I lost to the game of simple marketing. I downloaded Cake Mania.

I beat the game in 4 hours, and it was 3 am in the morning. Now you know how addictive this game can be. Yet it's not the type of addiction you usually experienced. It's not a particularly fun game, unlike the Sims 2 or Age of Empires III. It's just that you are eager to see the "end" of the game and you thought that can't be too hard to achieve, yet you keep failing the stage before the last one.

That's how it gets you.

I'm surprised and not surprised at the same time, to see that 1112 users left their comments of this game on Yahoo. This game does attract a certain crowd. So I googled the game and found that most reviews are a little superficial and contains no real content, i.e. tricks to get thru a certain level. It's actually a very easy game to manipulate. It's not about money management or customer management though.

GameGirl Tips

Here you go, some tricks to try before you give up on winning:

1. Don't save money. Try to purchase "toppings" early on and don't regret it when you already spent it on more expensive things like the "oven upgrade". Toppings make the cakes more expensive and you can achieve your cash goal earlier than store closes.

2. They are old for a reason. When old people come into the store, like "Mr. Santa", you can make their orders later than the younger ones. Younger people are less patient. This is helpful in later stages of the game, when you have higher cash goals and more customers to please.

3. Cup cakes are for well dressed ladies. Those well dressed ladies are "food critics". While the TV can extend the patience of kids, the cup cakes can do the same for those ladies. Make sure that you give them cup cakes early on when they come in, that way you have another round of cup cakes to serve them and bring their patience level up as much as the old people's.

As simple as it is, you can beat this game in 4 hours with these 3 tricks. Look at the screen shot of the last stage I played.

GameGirl Says...
Cake Mania
Type of game: Arcade Game
Time to complete: about 4 hours
Rating: Play it then dump it

3 Responses to “Quick Take on Cake Mania”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Do have have any problem with the oven. For my case, sometime the oven keep on open and close but no cup cakes is serve on the table. I really very mad as the cup cake can help to extend the timing. There even times that the cup cakes are only really to be serve when i only have last 2 customers to complete the leve.

    Can anyone tell if you encounter this problem??

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I have sent an email to Sandlot games to inquire about this issue. Their reply is:
    "We are aware of an issue that was occuring with the version Yahoo had made available on their site. Due to an error on their end, the cupcake microwave was not working properly. They have since released an updated version of the game that addresses this issue."

    I've also googled this question and found similar results on the web. If you did not download the game from Yahoo, please contact the site where you downloaded the game, Sandlot will send the same fix to the respective sites where this problem exists. Hope this helps.


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 


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